Around the world: Innovative approaches to productivity

August 2014 news reports interesting workplace initiatives aimed at improving performance around the world. These innovative approaches to productivity come from Germany, where employees are being allowed to delete all incoming mail whilst on holiday and from Japan, where employees are encouraged to nap at work.

How to: Set absence targets to achieve good attendance

Effective absence management is highly dependent on good communication, specifically communication between management and employees. If the employee is honest and punctual in updating the employer on the status of their health or personal situation, the employer can help and manage the situation for a swift return to work and minimal impact on the remaining […]

How to leave work on time

Now that most of us have a heavier work load than ever, it’s important for us not to allow work to swamp our private lives. Whilst overtime is commonplace when necessary, constant overtime is not. So here are some tips on how to leave work on time.

Prioritisation part I – Part of the Productivity Series

Learn from one of the greatest military commanders of all time how to prioritise tasks. In this day and age where we are overloaded with information it can often be very difficult to decide where we should focus our efforts. This article outlines a simple decision-making framework for prioritisation.

Goal Setting Improves Productivity

Many people are either completely goal-less or goal-obsessed. People without goals tend to drift through life without being completely happy – and not knowing why. Goal-obsessed people are the ones who tend to be stressed out at all times and they may (or may not) achieve material success, but are seldom happy. It is important […]

Attendance management improves productivity

An absence survey by Aviva in 2012 drew attention to the effects of absence on productivity and performance. According to their survey responses, over a quarter of employers (27%) reported an effect on productivity when a member of staff was ill and absent, and 22% said that it impacted the business financially.

Four steps to healthy attendance

Over the years we’ve learned how far reaching the issue of absence is. It doesn’t start on the day an employee phones in sick. And the story doesn’t necessarily end when the employee comes back to work.

Happy companies make more money

Scientists behind Blue Monday have decided that its date should be changed from the 3rd Monday in January to the 1st Monday after New Year. That may well be true but many still struggle to stay positive throughout the month of January.

A New Year – A More Productive You?

A lot of people start off the new year with resolutions to become more fit, find a (new) partner, learn a new language, be more cultural, travel and see the world – in fact just pick a goal and get something done.