SMS to absentees
If you subscribe to Honeydew’s Day-1 absence reporting service, Engage can send SMS reminders to absentees whose expected return date was today. These reminders are sent if the absence record has accidentally been left open. Now we’ve also added a further feature to the SMS reminders that will remind tomorrow’s returning employees to confirm their return. The message goes out the day before the planned return. If you are coming back to work as planned, you can simply reply with the word CLOSE to confirm their return. If you are still absent, you’re asked to call the absence line to update their record.
Automated SMS reminder for tomorrow’s returning absentees
To re-cap: Honeydew will send an SMS message to any absentees whose estimated return is tomorrow.
The new SMS will be sent when:
- the employee has provided a personal mobile number,
- the employee has provided an estimated return to work date, and
- the estimated return is tomorrow.
If your company does not yet receive the SMS services, and you would like to know more about this, get in touch. Companies can also opt out of this new service by contacting Honeydew.